Country Coordinator


The country coordinator (CC) is APEIR's focal point in each country. The CC selected to be the key point of contact for communicating and coordinating national activities of the network, and can be affiliated with one of the Partner institutions. The CC can be a member of APEIR's SC, and/or a research member of APEIR, and who will be actively coordinate with APEIR CO to develop partnership and networking. The CC will take on more of an operational role than that of the SC members, and will coordinate national activities that contribute to APEIR. CCs will work closely with the SC and the CO to ensure that country participation in the various Partnership research activities runs smoothly.


CCs will be in communication with national SC members and the CO as needed. The frequency of communications will vary throughout the year, but is expected to occur regularly once or twice a month. Email discussions, call conferences, and occasional phone calls will be the main forms of communication. There is an expectation that when an email response is required, CCs will try to respond within a week. The CCs have the following roles:

  1. Being the main point of communication between the SC and/or the CO and Network participants within their country
  2. Identifying researchers to be involved when specific research studies and/or research capacity building activities take place
  3. Assisting the CO to identify other relevant national actors as needed
  4. Overseeing logistical arrangements should any Network gatherings take place in their country
  5. Organizing national activities, such as country network meetings, and country consultations that took place previously, as required,

Being the main country point of contact for the Network's information and research dissemination activities, with the input and assistance of SC members and the CO